How to Clear Snow From Your Asphalt Driveway

At this point, you’re probably thinking:

  1. Grab a shovel
  2. Get to work

However, if you want to preserve the integrity and aesthetic appeal of your driveway, it’s important to follow these simple snow removal tips that go beyond calling over the neighborhood kids. We all know how harsh these midwest winters can get – take the time to properly care for your asphalt driveway and it can last up to 30 years. 

If you find that your driveway just doesn’t have the same appeal that it once did, then give our team a call. We provide free driveway replacement estimates to homes throughout western Wisconsin and the St. Paul, Minnesota areas.

4 Important Driveway Snow Removal Tips

1 – Choose The Right Deicing Agents

Chemical deicing agents work wonders on snow buildup but contain corrosive materials that can erode and damage asphalt. This can lead to water penetrating the surface of your driveway, freezing and thawing which causes cracking and further damages. Once you begin to notice severe signs of asphalt failure, you can determine when you should replace your driveway

However, if your driveway is properly sealed, then rock-salt in small applications should be ok to use! You can always opt for alternative asphalt-friendly deicing agents that are just as effective as traditional rock salt.

2 – Good Drainage Systems Are Key

A professionally installed driveway should have a proper drainage system that carries runoff, whether rain or snowmelt, away from your driveway. If you start to notice pools of standing water in your driveway when it rains, then your drainage system is failing. This can lead to eroded pockets, potholes, and large cracks.

Pro tip: Keep your gutters in mind too! Gutter spouts should be pointed away from your driveway so that snow or rain doesn’t pour down your asphalt. 

3 – Shovel Material Matters

Metal shovels or bladed plastic shovels seem ideal until you eventually scrape pavement or strike through the ice to hit your defenseless driveway. Metal has the potential to chip your driveway’s surface, which leaves an opportunity for snow and ice melt to penetrate the protective barrier. These chips can eventually turn into bigger cracks and damages that shorten your driveway’s lifetime.

Rubber-bladed shovels are a good alternative to metal since they’re almost as durable and effective at snow removal.

4 – Ensure Plows & Blowers Are Elevated

If you schedule regular snow removal with a plow or snowblower – or you do it yourself – you’ll want to keep those blades at least ½ inch above your driveway’s surface to prevent any scraping or chipping. Prolonged scraping can cause superficial damages that expedite corrosion and foundation damages.

Free Driveway Replacement Cost Estimates

Has your current driveway seen enough winters? Then it might be time for a replacement. Blacktop Concept’s team has decades of combined experience in residential driveway replacement and can provide the same high-level service to your home too. Schedule your free cost estimate now to prepare for Spring and Summer.